Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sen's 'Idea of Justice'

Amartya Sen has a new book coming out. (Hint, Hint: Christmas shoppers) Sounds like a interesting read and maybe a rejection of Austrian economics. Here's a snippet from The New Republic's review:
Sen rejects, as a matter of principle, the nature of Rawls’s project. The reader who seeks in this book yet another exercise in grand theory--another abstract discussion out of which the foundations for the institutions of a just society may be generated--will be disappointed. And the reader who wonders about the connection of all these abstractions about justice to the remedying of actually existing injustices will be glad. Sen questions the plausibility of such edifices of pure reason. His book quite radically attempts to shift the grounds of the conversation altogether. Its seeks to provide a counter-framework rather than a counter-theory. And this is only one of its many admirable ambitions.

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