Monday, December 14, 2009

File Under: Are You F'ing Serious?

Why doesn't anyone ever listen to Krugman?

FTFA: "...what happened last Friday in the House of Representatives, when — with the meltdown caused by a runaway financial system still fresh in our minds, and the mass unemployment that meltdown caused still very much in evidence — every single Republican and 27 Democrats voted against a quite modest effort to rein in Wall Street excesses."

*Forehead slap*

Okay, I get that lots of people have raging hard-ons for the free market, and y'know what, I'll come out and say it: I agree, there are times when the market regulating itself is a wonderful idea.

However, this is not one of those times. How many segments like Samantha Bee's Cash Cow do we have to see before we, as a nation, realize that we are being milked (har har) for all we're worth by the money farmers on Wall Street? They DO NOT CARE about our well-being. It's hard to do so when your entire vision is filled by one gigantic bottom line.

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