Monday, January 18, 2010

Andrew Sullivan: Insightful and Right

By Wade

I'm not even surprised that things look so grim for Coakley. Sad, not surprised.

The first full paragraph sums up the major BS of the last year so succinctly it's beautiful:
I can see no alternative scenario but a huge - staggeringly huge - victory for the FNC/RNC machine tomorrow. They crafted a strategy of total oppositionism to anything Obama proposed a year ago. Remember they gave him zero votes on even the stimulus in his first weeks. They saw health insurance reform as Obama's Waterloo, and, thanks in part to the dithering Democrats, they beat him on that hill. They have successfully channeled all the rage at the massive debt and recession the president inherited on Obama after just one year.

Congratulations, Republicans. Your quagmire in this country is nearly as ugly as the quagmires you've created across the Atlantic.

Massachusetts, I'm talking to you now. I know we've had at least a couple readers from your neck of the woods (and anyone who knows any swing voters there, pass this on).

Don't think of Coakley as a replacement for a beloved figure from a political dynasty. Don't think of her even as the sub-par candidate she is. Think of her as the least objectionable alternative. Think of her as the stop-gap measure to keep Republicans from succeeding in their goal as the "Party of No." Think of her, as we so often must in politics, as a means to an end. Think of her as the instrument that will help enact the health care policies we need in this country, that Ted Kennedy fought for the majority of his political career. Think of her as, at the very least, better than the guy who seems pleased by the idea of violating her back door with a hot metal rod.

I know she's not who we want. All she can be now is who we've got.

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